Jingle All the Way to Easier VAT Reporting in 2024 – Stay Tuned!


Beneath the glow of Christmas lights, so clear,
A hope for ease in tax, we hold it dear.
Officials huddle, warm, with festive cheer,
To cut the VAT gap, their goal this year.

In merry times, we speak of burdens light,
E-invoicing’s not the sole fight.
For fraud, a broader plan must take flight,
And in this Yuletide, may they see the light.

With negotiations through the snow,
A better path they seek to know.
May the Christmas spirit help it grow,
And bring a tax solution, tied with a bow.

So here’s to change, to a fairer tax scene,
Where businesses thrive and finance is clean.
With leaders wise, and vision keen,
A happier New Year, with VAT less mean!

Merry Christmas!

As we prepare to bid farewell to this year, we are filled with hope for a brighter and more productive New Year. Let the magic of the Christmas season uplift your spirits! Despite our concerns, which have unfortunately become a reality, the e-Invoicing initiatives everywhere have hit roadblocks, even in regions that were previously making significant strides. As we’ve discussed in previous articles here and here, this is a regrettable setback for closing the VAT gap.

It’s disheartening to witness the slowdown of promising e-invoicing projects. While not entirely unexpected, it is still a disappointment, as ultimately, all taxpayers bear the burden. However, we remain optimistic that with renewed vigor and determination, the upcoming year will unveil pathways to seamless and efficient digital reporting solutions—hinting at a little insider knowledge, perhaps?

With that hopeful note, the entire summitto team extends our warmest wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a joyful start to the New Year!

Your summitto team!